Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Choosing a Garden Composter - Size Matters

Pretty, practical, homemade or shop bought. Beehive, tumbler or basic plastic compost bin? Choosing what kind of garden composter to use can be a minefield. The size of the bin is very important when garden composting.

Any large plastic compost bin will make compost quickly, as it keeps everything so warm and moist. You will need several though, as the compost is still likely to take three months or more to be produced. Alternatively you could look at some of the quicker working systems such as the rotating compost bins which are expected to produce good quality compost within weeks rather than months.The first point is to chose a garden compost bin which is the right size for you.If you produce large amounts of organic matter to add to your garden compost bins you can get away with very open compost piles such homemade bins made from old pallets or other wood scraps. But, if you only produce small volumes of garden waste, such an exposed pile of compost would never heat up enough to break down thoroughly.If you produce huge amounts of organic waste you need big garden compost bins. If you only produce small amounts of waste, get a small one. If you choose a size you cannot fill in a short space of time (within six months) you will find the garden compost never actually comes to much. As it breaks down at the bottom of the bin, and you keep adding to the top, the volume of matter reduces. You end up in a cycle of never filling the compost bin and so never actually reaping the reward of lovely free compost.Small volumes of garden waste need a little more protection. A small (200 litre) cheap plastic compost bin is the most practical for the small garden. It won't take an age to fill, and it will keep the contents warm and moist enough to break down thoroughly.First of all, do not stress too much about what kind of garden composter to use. Remember that nature wants all your garden waste to break down into lovely garden compost, and she'll do her utmost to help no matter what kind of compost bin you use.

Small volumes of garden waste need a little more protection. A small (200 litre) cheap plastic compost bin is the most practical for the small garden. It won't take an age to fill, and it will keep the contents warm and moist enough to break down thoroughly.

Author: Lec Watkins

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